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Editing/Change level

If the athlete move up a level within the existing booking, you can change the level and booked them into the new level. 

To change the level of the booked session, follow the below steps.

1.    Go to the bookings.

2.    Click on the 3 vertical dots under action column.

3.    Click on the Edit level.

4.    Change the level in the level dropdown.

5.    Make sure that all previous attendance is marked before editing the level otherwise it will credit the unmarked sessions and apply the credit into the new booking.

6.    Make sure the session start is correct date.

7.    You will be able to see the summary of sessions booked, marked, credited and unmarked.

8.    Select the venue from the dropdown.

9.    Select the new sessions and get the summary.

10.    After revieing the summary then press edit to save the changes.

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