Q: How to add Criteria and Evaluate Athlete Performance?
A: To Add Criteria:
1. Go to the Level section and select the desired level title.
2. Click on the Add Criteria option. A box will appear where you can enter the title and details of the criteria.
3. To edit an existing criteria, click on the three dots at the end of each.
To Evaluate Athlete Performance:
1. Scroll down the dashboard to find the schedule and select any session.
2. After opening the page, click on the Performance icon, which is located before the Attendance icon.
3. In the performance tab, you can provide a rating and add comments.
How It Appears on the Parent or Athlete Portal:
1. Open the Client Portal and scroll down the dashboard to select Performance.
2. Choose the athlete whose performance you want to view.
3. Select the Level option to view the performance details or comments.
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