In Okrabook setting schedules and timetables are easy thanks to the drag and drop option.
To set schedules, follow the below steps.
1. Click on the “Schedules” option in the left main menu.
2. Select the venue that you want to set the schedule for.
3. Select the sports that you want to set the schedule for.
4. Select the term that you want to set the schedule for.
5. Select the programme that you want to set the schedule for.
6. Select the available levels from the left side and drop it on the day and time slot in the calendar.
7. Select the coach who will be delivering the session and press Add.
8. Or click on the Add Event, select level, day, time and coach and press Add.
You can edit the coach, timing of the event any time. To edit the event, follow the below steps.
1. Double click on the event from the calendar and change it.
2. Or drag the event to the new timing slot in the calendar.
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